Monday, 30 August 2010

Scott Pilgrim Vs. Me!

Well, where to begin? I'm going to start by making my feelings on this movie clear. "Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World" is truly the most awful film in the history of cinema. Seriously this offends me more than Nazi Propaganda film "The Triumph of the Will." At least that had some interesting camera angles and what-not.

There were several things that annoyed the hell out of me with this film. First was the utter lack of any kind of humour at all, despite the fact that this is a "comedy" film. All the "characters" (that are taken straight from "The Big Book of Cool Teen cliche", but more on that later) think they're being funny by standing around referencing video-games and saying "awesome" a lot.

Next on the list was the way in which the movie was obviously cynically concieved to appeal to what 40 year old marketing execs think of as the "Trendy, late teens/early 20s" market. "Ooh, we play video games, we have funky haircuts, we are all 'nerdy', we have entire outfits from 'hot topic', we all play in indie bands that are self-referential in a totally ironic way!!! AWESOME!!!" And before you call me a miserly old geezer, I am an 18 year old, rock and metal loving, nerd. The "geek-chic" references are THAT irritating and obvious...

Another thing that irritated me about this movie was the fact that Michael Cera, a fine comic actor, has lent his name to this hard-hearted, cynical attempt to squeeze yet more money from the oh-so-ironic indie kid generation.

To summarise, I highly recommend that you don't see this film! For the price of the movie ticket, you could have a couple of pints with mates. This was the first film I have ever walked out of and I went to see Valkyrie!!!

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