Monday, 6 September 2010

Writing music and other assorted travesties...

Just wanted to say something about how I write a choon cuz I guess it's pretty unorthodox. Most people (that I know of) start with a guitar riff, then write a bass part, then work out drum patterns then finally comes the frilly stuff like keyboards and lyrics. I ALWAYS start off with lyrics. I'll write lyrics that have a nice flow when spoken (but no vocal patterns at all as there's no music). After that I'll set up a metronome, usually 4/4 at around 170 Bpm or 3/4 at around 70-80 Bpm and use the metronome as a guide while I try and come up with some bass stuff. If I write something nice on bass I'll try (badly) to think of cool guitars to go over it. After that I'll think of some VERY basic drum patterns and finally I try to jimmy the lyrics into fitting the rhythm and mood of the music. Kinda makes it harder on myself but meh...

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