Tuesday, 16 August 2011

My email to Nick Clegg:

In the wake of the London riots and the resulting ill thought and ridiculous calls from David Cameron to effectively wage a war on the poor and the idea of collective responsibility, I thought I'd directly email Nick Clegg and request that he actually stand up for what he believes in (or used to believe in before he moronically grabbed at the pretty shiny bauble of power offered by the Tories. Or maybe he never believed in anything he said and truly is a Tory boy). I request that all of you reading to do the same if you care at all about the dire future that Cameron is dragging Britain towards. Nick Clegg's email address is: leader@libdems.or.uk


Dear Mr. Clegg,

I voted for the Liberal Democrats in May. However, had I known that a party I felt could create a true impetus for a fairer and more democratic United Kingdom would enter into a draconian coalition with a party who care only for greed and for making life easier for the economic and social elite, I would not have voted at all. I have almost lost faith in you and your party yet now, with the Prime Minister calling for ludicrous prison sentences and removal of the rights to life and liberty for hundreds of people, you are presented with an opportunity to prove that your party still stands for the noble values on which it was founded and not simply for the trappings of power which come to the detriment of, not only your party, but to the values of social liberty and social responsibility for which the progressive majority in Britain stand

I implore you, please defy your political masters in the Conservative party. Stand up against the idea that some in Britain can get away with gross invasions of privacy in the name of "journalism" but a man hastily typing ill-informed but ultimately harmless words can recieve a four year prison sentence.

Disband this coalition that speaks only in violent terms of a "war on gangs" and a "zero tolerance" approach, even as you know yourself that these are knee-jerk reactions that ignore the true cause of the problem.

Abandon a government that has demonstrated nought but a callousness towards the vulnerable in society that eclipses even the darkest moments of Thatcherism.

Rebel against an administration that has destroyed the futures of thousands of young people, now too poor to afford what was once an inalienable right; education.

The time has come to end the delusion that the Liberal Democrats can "soften" the malicious ideology driving the Tory party and the government it controls. You must start the process that leads to true, progressive change for the majority, not a regressive assault on the vulnerable that benefits only a tiny minority and you must do this by breaking the coalition.

Your party was founded to safeguard the liberty of the British people yet so far your first years in government have been marked by a removal of the liberties that matter and the extension of but one: the liberty to be too poor to survive at a basic level of human need.

Please, heed the desires of the British people and bring this brutal and vicious government to an end.

Thomas Mathieson Gardiner